
校友John Mauro ' 01, ' 06博士2024年交付 斯科尔斯 Lecture at Alfred University

在线赌博校友John Mauro ' 01, 06年博士, 在周四发表了斯科尔斯纪念演讲, discussing his journey from growing up in nearby Almond, NY, and attending Alfred University to becoming one of the preeminent researchers in the field of glass science.

在他的演讲中, 《去而复返:玻璃之旅,” Mauro talked about his career as a glass scientist and educator and how his time as a student at Alfred University prepared him for professional success.

“It is such a pleasure to be here today after so many years, 当我坐在你今天的位置上时,他对学生们说, 教师, staff and other guests assembled in Holmes Auditorium on the Alfred University campus. “我有很多美好的回忆.”

Mauro earned bachelor’s degrees in glass engineering science and computer science in 2001 and a doctoral degree in glass science in 2006, 全部来自在线赌博, and is Dorothy Pate Enright Professor and Associate Head for 研究生 Education in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University.

One of two Alfred University alumni inducted into the National Academy of Engineers, Mauro is a member of the National Academy of Inventors and the World Academy of Ceramics. He joined the 教师 at Penn State in 2017 and is a world-recognized expert in fundamental and applied glass science, 统计力学, 计算和凝聚态物理, 热力学, 无序网络的拓扑结构. 他从康宁公司来到宾夕法尼亚州立大学, which he joined in 1999 and served in multiple roles, including senior research manager of the Glass 研究 Department, where he led a group of 15 scientists and technicians in the development of new glass and glass-ceramic products.

Mauro is the inventor or co-inventor of several new glass compositions for Corning, 包括康宁大猩猩® 玻璃制品. He is a pioneer in the use of physics-based and machine learning models for the design of new glassy materials. Mauro is the inventor of new models for supercooled liquid and glass viscosity, 玻璃结构与拓扑, 放松的行为, 以及热学和机械性能.

He talked about growing up in Almond and attending Alfred-Almond Central School, 他妈妈在那里当幼儿园老师. His interest in glass began on family trips to Corning Museum of Glass, and it was at Alfred-Almond that he had his first exposure to Alfred University, 特别是它的玻璃科学项目. 他提到了亚历克西斯·克莱尔的一段视频, renowned Alfred University professor of glass science, 这是他在高中科学课上看到的. “That’s when I really became interested in glass,” he said.

Mauro noted several members of the Alfred University 教师 who served as mentors during both his graduate and undergraduate studies: Arun Varshneya, 玻璃科学名誉教授, 谁是他两次考B的导师.S. and doctoral degree studies; Roger Loucks, professor of physics; Tom McDowell, computer science professor; and Paul Johnson, 陶瓷工程教授.

He also talked about the impact the late Fiona Tolhurst, 他在在线赌博的英语教授, 对他职业生涯的影响, particularly by instilling in him a passion for writing. Mauro is the author of over 360 peer-reviewed publications and serves as editor-in-chief of 美国陶瓷学会杂志. “So much of what she taught me has been so valuable to my career.”

Mauro在康宁公司工作. 在去宾夕法尼亚州立大学之前,他在那里工作了18年. “It’s been amazing,” he said of his tenure in State College. “There are some of most amazing scientists in any field.”

At Penn State, Mauro led efforts to research and develop LionGlassTM — a novel glass family that lowers the carbon footprint of glass manufacturing by ~50% while significantly improving mechanical performance — which earned him first place in the Penn State Tech Tournament (2023). “It’s been quite a ride for us,” he said of his time at Penn State.

Mauro gave a nod to one of his former students at Penn State, 科林威尔金森, who is now a glass science professor at Alfred University.

“我非常感谢我所有的学生,”他说. “Your newest glass science professor, 科林威尔金森—he’s a real dynamo. He dreams big, always comes up with big ideas, and makes them happen.”

讲座结束后, 骑士俱乐部举行了一次午宴, 鲍威尔校园中心, 当时毛罗和埃琳·塔尼亚什维利, a sophomore glass science engineering major from Tbilisi, 乔治亚州, 是公认的.


John Mauro ' 01, 06年博士 (second from right) received the 斯科尔斯 Lecture Award and sophomore glass science engineering major Elene Taniashvili (second from left) the 斯科尔斯 Scholar Award following the 斯科尔斯 Memorial Lecture Thursday, 4月4日. 与Gabrielle Gaustad ' 04一起展出, dean of the Inamori School of Engineering (left) and Beth Ann Dobie (right) provost and chief operating office at Alfred University.

Taniashvili was named recipient of the 斯科尔斯 Scholar Award for having the highest GPA among first-year ceramic engineering and materials science and engineering students. 在艾尔弗雷德的第一年之后,她取得了完美的4分.0的绩点. For being named 斯科尔斯 Scholar, Taniashvili was presented with a $250 award.

The 斯科尔斯 Lecture Series was established in 1982 by alumni of Alfred University to honor the late Samuel R. 斯科尔斯, who in 1932 established the first glass science program in the United States at the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. 他担任院长, 副院长, 玻璃技术部主任, 玻璃科学教授.